Rwanda Gorilla Tours

Rwanda Gorilla Tours

Rwanda Gorilla Tours, The sumptuous volcanic tropics of the northern Rwanda that extends eastern Congo positions Rwanda a premium destination for Rwanda Gorilla Tours. The beauty exhibit of Rwanda is as well accompanied by great adventures that makes the country with notable experiences of remarkable Rwanda. Rwanda habitat about half of the world mountain population that is remaining in the wild. It’s why several travelers have surged into Rwanda to trek these gorgeous mammals in their natural forests.

The northern sections of beautiful rolling of landscapes that names a land of a thousand hills is the Volcanoes National Park. Volcanos National Park is the solo park in Rwanda to trek gorillas and among the other endemic forests for endangered gorilla. Gorillas at Volcanos are fully habituated so now trekkers have an opportunity for a close-up encounter.

First and foremost, gorilla trekking is the highlight of the rest of Africa’s adventures. Rwanda has always statured as an exclusive gorilla trekking destination. For various reasons, finding the volcano dwellers is an amazing encounter.

Gorilla habituation

Started by in 1968 by renowned American zoologist/primatologist Diana Fossey. Gorilla habituation is the process which is aimed at seeing gorilla get used to human presence. Gorillas are naturally aggressive mammals with their huge size that reach to attack in case of any threat. To calm their aggressive nature, gorillas undergo habituation process for a period of not beyond 2 years until when they get familiar to human presence.

The process is done by researchers, conservations, scientists and rangers who take their time to study each of the gorillas in the habituated family. Rwanda has about 10 habituated gorilla families which are readily available for trekking. Not like, in Rushaga sector of Uganda where trekkers have an opportunity to do gorilla habituation, at Volcanos habituation is not open for trekkers.

How gorilla trekking is done

All starts with an early morning breakfast at your lodge, then drive to the park starting point for a briefing about gorilla trekking. Made in groups of 8 trekkers will be led by an armed ranger guide to start a search for the apes. The trek involves penetrating into the dense forests, search for giants which can last for about 3 minutes to 5 hours before finding the gorillas. On finding the gorillas, trekkers have an hour before the giants watching juveniles and infants jumping around. And coming close for a face to face contact with the silverback you realize they are directly communicating.

Is it safe to trek gorillas in Rwanda?

Despite the past history, Rwanda is fully safe and friendly destination to trek gorillas. Rwanda is one of the safest countries on the African continent. The low level of crime rate and standardized practice of set laws makes Rwanda your safe destination to be for your next destination. Though the rebel activities in the neighboring DR Congo near Volcanos National Park, but Rwanda remains safe. When trekking gorillas, there is always accompaniment of armed and expertise guide will moving into the deep forests.

Gorilla trekking etiquette

When preparing to meet the gorillas, there’re don’t to always consider. Mountain gorillas are very cautious primates to their surviving ambiance which have been proved not to survive under captivity. The right moment of seeing and enjoying the silent busy moment is when kept all these set don’t for gorilla trekking. Gorilla trekking is limited to children below 15 years. Below are children who are considered not to be able to deal with a negative reactions of gorillas.

What to do;

  • Attend the orientation times before setting for trekking
  • Present your valid trekking permit
  • Wash your hands before setting to trek gorilla
  • Always dig a ditch when want to defecate and cover afterwards.

The don’t include;

  • Don’t litter in the forest
  • Don’t eat before the gorillas
  • Have to maintain silence when found the gorillas
  • When taking photographs, cameras must not have flashlights
  • When found the gorillas maintain a distance of 5 to 7 meters
  • Stay in a group
  • Don’t look straight into the gorillas eyes
  • Don’t ever run from the gorillas
  • Don’t sneeze or cough before the gorillas
  • Not touching or attempting to touch the gorillas

Permits for gorilla trekking

Trekking to Rwanda is a bit expensive than at any other gorilla destination. A permit costs $1,500 which is nearly three times as much as that of Congo costs $450 and over double that of Uganda costs $700

Best time to go gorilla trekking

The best time to trek gorillas in Rwanda is during the dry season. The dry months of June, July, August and mid-September is the longer dry season. This is the best time of year to see mountain gorillas in the Volcanos National Park of Rwanda. Also December, January and February are dry months also good for trekking gorillas. During the dry months there is limited rains, grounds are dry which is perfect to visit Rwanda.

Which level of fitness do one need to trek gorillas in Rwanda

Planning to trek gorillas, it involves hikes through higher terrains, walks through thick vegetation, edging to cliffs and valleys. Though one doesn’t need a training or experience to trek the gorillas, but a certain level of fitness is needed. A moderate level of fitness is necessary when planning to trek gorilla, however unfit elderly people of 80 years and above have taken the initiative of trekking gorillas and meet gorillas. Gorilla trekking is an active encounter that needs a certain level of energy. For trekkers who can’t afford to use that energy, there are porters who help in carrying your backpacker. However, several trekkers have used porters to carry them at costs of $15 and they get a moment before the gorillas.

The packing list on a gorilla tour

For any person intending to trek gorillas must understand what they need to walk along with to avoid embarrassments. Because the trek involves entering into the forest and spend good time there consider the packing list very important. Below is our important packing list of thing which are needful for your trekking sake.

  • Long pants
  • A long-sleeved shirt
  • Waterproof jungle boots
  • Thick socks garden gloves
  • A rain jacket
  • A wide-brim hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Body insect repellent
  • At least 2 litters of water
  • Camera
  • Headband and Hair ties
  • Snacks, packed lunch
  • Walking stick
  • Binoculars

Best of Rwanda Gorilla Tours