Welcome To Early Trails Expedition

We are a premier tour company specialising in outdoor adventure tours. With a wealth of experience in the industry, we are dedicated to delivering unforgettable experiences that blend exhilarating exploration with a deep appreciation for nature and local cultures.
Early Trails Expedition has a team of knowledgeable guides who are passionate about the great outdoors and committed to ensuring that every tour is safe, enjoyable, and educational. Our safari packages cater to various interests and skill levels, ranging from scenic hikes and wildlife safaris to rafting trips and mountaineering expeditions.

Top Safari Holidays

Our team is dedicated to creating transformative experiences tailored to your specific preferences, so you can look forward to embarking on an exceptional and authentic journey. As the foremost African safaris specialist, we are committed to delivering timely travel experiences beyond the ordinary. Our safari experts have explored the most remote corners of the region, from vibrant cities to secluded villages. We use this extensive knowledge to craft bespoke trips that inspire your imagination.

    Find Your Dream Safari Destination

    If you haven’t been on an East African safari before and this is your first time planning such an adventure, you are in for an incredible treat! East Africa has amazing dream destinations and unique experiences that will surely leave an everlasting impression.

    61 tours
    Trek Golden Monkey in Rwanda
    20 tours
    Kenya National Park Close Up Safari
    1 tour

    East Africa Remarkable Safaris

    We offer a wide range of exciting safari packages across the East African region from which you can explore, browse and compare to find the best possible fit for you.

    Top Safari Deals for 2024

    Embark on a journey of a lifetime with our expertly-crafted safari packages in East Africa. Our seasoned professionals are here to provide you with an invaluable safari experience, ensuring that your adventure is spectacular. Whether you’re seeking an exhilarating wildlife encounter or a serene retreat in the heart of nature, we’ve got you covered.

    With our unbeatable selection of safari packages and exclusive deals, you’re sure to find the perfect package that meets your needs and budget. Book now and experience the ultimate safari adventure in 2023/2024!

    Travelers' Reviews

    Great experience in Lake Mburo national park. Great experience in Lake Mburo national park. Very reliable and knowledgable guide with a good safari van.
    Andy N
    Andy N
    5 December 2023
    Recomiendo Early Trails Expedition Ha sido un verdadero placer viajar con Ayub. Su conocimiento de Uganda y del medio natural es excelente. Se nota que ama su trabajo y eso se transmite. Mi familia y yo hemos estado super a gusto con él, y tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer a su mujer y a sus hijos. Se agradece mucho que no te traten solo como turista, si no más bien como viajero que desea acercarse a la realidad del pueblo ugandés. Ayub lo hizo fácilmente. ¡Muchas gracias amigo! ¡Hasta siempre o hasta pronto!
    26 August 2023
    Días maravillosos con Ayub! Ayub no ha sido solo un guía, era uno más de la familia. La manera en la que nos ha tratado, profesionalidad y disciplina son espectaculares, pero sobre todo la manera en la que explica las cosas y a la vez te escucha y te entiende. Su conocimiento sobre animales y la vida en general es perfecto para hacer un safari, o simplemente para aprender sobre Uganda. La comprensión y la paciencia son cualidades muy importantes desde mi punto de vista, y él las tiene todas. Compartir con el estos días ha sido genial. Nos hemos reído muchísimo, pero sobre todo hemos aprendido. Además he visto a muchísimas jirafas que es mi animal favorito hehe. Estamos muy agradecidos de haber podido coincidir con él porque verdaderamente es el mejor. Muchas gracias Ayub, esperamos verte pronto, estás muy bienvenido a España tú y tu familia. Chiqui, Iosune, Candela, Laszlo y Sabina :) <3
    Sabina M
    Sabina M
    26 August 2023
    EL TOP DE LOS GUÍAS Excelente guía. Superprofesional. Y, sobre todo, una excelente persona. Relación cercana y familiar. Gracias por todo Ayub. Espero volver a verte en Ugsnda o en España. Allí tienes tu casa. Abrazos
    Eugenio G
    Eugenio G
    24 August 2023
    Uganda und Ayub - Perlen Afrikas Ayub begleitet unsere Reise vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag. Es war ein Genuss mit ihm Land und Leute kennenzulernen. Ayub gab Auskunft, fuhr sicher im Gelände, machte die einzigartige Tierwelt einzigartig erlebbar. Ob Safari im Auto oder andere Ausflüge, alles war ein Erlebnis. Ayub stand uns stets nicht nur mit seinem unglaublichen Fachwissen zur Seite, sondern half auch, wenn mal ein Kleidungsstück verloren oder Schuhe kaputt gingen. Ayub war immer da und zog sich aber auch mal zurück. Danke Ayub, du bist spitze!
    Elke B
    Elke B
    21 August 2023
    We found a great guide! We have been living in Mbale, Uganda, for the past four months. We took a 9- day trip to several of the western game parks (Kibale, Ziwa Rhino Refuge, Murchison Falls). Our driver and guide was Ayubu and we couldn’t have been more pleased! We found him found him professional, organized, responsive, and well-connected. His attention to detail, and to making our trip comfortable and memorable, was outstanding. They picked great lodging and hooked us up with knowledgeable, friendly and professional guides at each destination. He was friendly, safe, and always on time. We loved traveling with Ayubu and will continue to use him. We recommend him to everyone!
    18 June 2023
    Fantastic experience! We had an amazing experience with our guide Ayub from Early Trails Expedition last summer! His expertise, kindness and driving skills were excellent. Knowledgeable as he is, you can talk with him about a very wide array of topics, for instance, ecology. Therefore unsurprisingly, he knows a lot about the ecosystems found in Africa and Uganda in particular. Furthermore, Ayub arranged everything super good. From a comfortable car, to breattaking lodges. To summarize, I would recommend Early Trail Expeditions to anyone who wants to explore Uganda, or East Africa in a comfortable way without any worries.
    Timon Cornelissen
    Timon Cornelissen
    8 February 2023
    Ayub is the best! Had the best time with Ayub! He made our trip comfortable, safe and beautiful! He takes good care of you, is a good driver, tour guide, and last but not least knows all the best places to go to (roads to take, national parks to visit, lodges to stay etc etc). Thank you Ayub, will never forget our Uganda trip 🤩
    31 January 2023
    Fantastic Fantastic experience, Ajub is besides a very nice person a very good driver and an excellent guide ! Hé does everything to give his clients a 5 star experience
    30 January 2023
    Best guide in Uganda! Ayub is the most amazing guide - super knowledgeable, very nice, and he speaks very clear and fluent English. He knows everything you need to know about animals and Uganda’s history/culture. He drives very safely and knows all the beautiful places in the country. I have recommended him to many family and friends and everyone has loved touring with him. Highly recommend!
    Nicole K
    Nicole K
    30 January 2023

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