Explore, Experience, Reminisce


In the world of travel and exploration, a profound desire exists to uncover the hidden gems of our planet, particularly our continent – Africa. We seek to immerse ourselves in unique cultures and create wonderful memories that can last for a lifetime. At Early Trails Expedition, we deeply understand and embrace this innate human yearning. Our simple profound slogan: “Explore, Experience, Reminisce” represents all our core values and the essence of what we offer to our clients seeking unforgettable adventures. Click to check out our available tours.


Explore, experience, reminisce

Our first pillar, “Explore,” represents the foundation of every remarkable journey. Planning for a safari starts with the interest and spirit of exploring nature and its breathtaking wonders. With Early Trails Expedition, you will embark on adventures that will take you to the farthest reaches of East Africa.

Get ready to uncover the incredible tapestry of cultures, landscapes and wildlife. Every tour we offer opens doors to new horizons, taking you to places that inspire wonder and awe. Whether you’re traversing the vibrant streets, trekking through pristine wilderness, trekking gorillas or delving into the rich history of ancient civilizations, rest assured that there will always be something new and exciting to discover.


Explore Uganda's culture

We strongly believe it is about where you go and how you experience it. That’s where the “Experience” part of our mantra comes into play. Our tours are carefully crafted to immerse you in the heart of each destination.  It’s not a matter of ticking off landmarks from a checklist. It is about connecting with the people, the culture, and the environment. The experience we offer involves savouring the flavours of local cuisine, dancing to the rhythm of traditional music, and forging meaningful connections with fellow travellers. Our experienced guides are always your storytellers and cultural ambassadors, ensuring that every moment is an opportunity to create lasting memories.


Rhino trekking in Uganda

When the journey is over, what remains are the ever-lasting memories. Our tours are designed to leave an indelible mark on your heart. As you return home, the adventures and experiences you’ve collected will form a treasure chest of precious memories. Here’s the magic of it all; these memories are meant to be revisited, shared, and cherished forever. They’re the stories you will tell around the dinner table and the photos you flip through in your albums/gallery. They could also be the moments that will bring a smile to your face during your quiet reflection. This is the “Reminisce” part of our story, the promise that our tours will leave you with memories that will enrich your life even after you’ve returned home.


At Early Trails Expedition, “Explore, Experience, Reminisce” isn’t just a slogan. It is a way of life and our mode of work. We promise to lead you through journeys that inspire exploration, offer authentic experiences, and create memories you’ll fondly reminisce about. So, come and join us on a journey of a lifetime, where each day is a new adventure, each experience is unforgettable, and each memory is a timeless treasure. Kindly follow this link for more information about us.


We offer unique travel experiences that combine the thrill of adventure with a deep appreciation for nature. Our company’s name reflects how we turn our clients’ interests into exciting expeditions through historical trails and destinations.

Ready To Plan A Trip?

Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.

+256 781 611986
