Lake Manyara National Park



Lake Manyara National Park is a must-visit destination in Tanzania for any nature lover or wildlife enthusiast. The park offers a unique combination of spectacular scenery, abundant wildlife, and diverse birdlife, making it a one-of-a-kind experience. Covering an area of 330 square kilometres, Lake Manyara National Park is located between the Great Rift Valley and the Escarpment, offering a breathtaking view of both.

Origin of the park’s name

The park is named after Lake Manyara, a beautiful and unique soda lake. The lake is alkaline, rich in minerals, and has a pinkish hue due to the presence of flamingos, making it a stunning sight. It is one of the few places you can see flamingos in their natural habitat. Apart from flamingos, the lake is also home to various other bird species, such as pelicans, storks, and herons, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise.

The spectacular terrain

The park’s terrain is diverse, consisting of dense jungle-like forests, grassy plains, and rocky outcrops. The dense forests are home to several primate species, including the blue monkey, baboon, and vervet monkey. The park also has several large baobab trees, a unique and iconic feature of the African savanna. Visitors can enjoy a guided walk in the forest for a more intimate experience with the park’s wildlife.

What attractions can I find in the park?Lake Manyara National park


One of the most significant attractions of the park is the wildlife. Lake Manyara National Park is home to large herds of elephants, zebras, buffalos, and predators such as lions and leopards. Visitors can take a game drive to explore the park’s diverse wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. The game drives provide a fantastic opportunity to see animals up close in their natural habitat. The park’s grassy plains are also home to several species of antelopes, including impalas, dik-diks, and waterbucks.

Tourist activities

Besides game drives and guided walks, visitors can enjoy birdwatching in the park. Over 400 bird species have been recorded in the park, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise. Some of the bird species visitors can expect to see include the grey-headed kingfisher, crowned eagle, and the African fish eagle.

Lake Manyara National Park plays an essential role in conservation efforts in Tanzania. The Tanzania National Parks Authority manages the park, responsible for protecting the area’s natural resources and promoting sustainable tourism. The Authority works closely with local communities to ensure that conservation efforts are effective and sustainable. Visitors to the park can learn about conservation efforts and get involved in responsible tourism practices.


In conclusion, Lake Manyara National Park is a must-visit destination for any nature lover or wildlife enthusiast. Its unique combination of stunning scenery, abundant wildlife, and diverse birdlife make it an extraordinary place. The park offers visitors an unforgettable experience that they will cherish forever. Whether you’re interested in nature, birdwatching, or conservation, Lake Manyara National Park provides visitors with something. It is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable places on earth and a true natural wonder.


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